Tommy Alert – a secure and safe feeling

For whom is the home alarm of Tommy Alert®?

The home alarm of Tommy Alert is for people who are looking for a secure and safe feeling.

That can be both inside or outside. The mobile alarm of Wuzzi Alert works everywhere. Wuzzi Alert gives a safe and secure feeling. It does not matter whether you are at home or in the garden. Whether you are walking, do sports, walking the dog or cycling in the countryside. With the mobile alarm of Wuzzi Alert you are always and everywhere safe!

How does the mobile alarm of Wuzzi Alert®work?

The Mobile alarm of Wuzzi Alert works both inhouse as outside, with a push on the button help is always nearby. You can talk to each other and your position is known, with mobile alarm Wuzzi Alert you are always and everywhere safe.

With a push on the button you have direct contact with your family, neighbours, friends or the Wuzzi Alert alarmcentre. Your actual position is known and you can talk to each other. The mobile alarm of Wuzzi Alert is also used to be found easily and to generate an automatic alarm when you go too far away. Wuzzi Alert is very userfriendly, direct ready to use, does not require installation and is monthly terminable. Wuzzi Alert gives you a lot of freedom, safety and peace.

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